Dispatch and Communications:

We are doing our best to make our operations as smooth as possible for all sides.

As a driver, please follow these principles when communicating with the office staff:

  • Work with your dispatch closely to confirm the loads; notify of any possible delays IN ADVANCE so they could move your appointments for you without fines, and so then you could be paid for any possible waiting times or detentions. No one likes unpredictable situations or surprises; let’s go ahead of troubles instead.
  • If you see something that dispatch or manager needs to know or might be helpful in the future, speak out. For example, you think you might be late for an appointment, or the trailer is too dirty when you`re dropping it, or you see heavy traffic on the way back, or possible theft or any other thing that can potentially slow down any other driver – let the office know.
  • Use text messages over the calls unless you have an accident or something really urgent. Stop somewhere safe and text. The dispatch is ALWAYS on the phone negotiating good loads, writing load confirmations and emails. If they will not respond on your text in 10 minutes – call them.
  • If you are unable to reach your dispatch – text support team.

 REMEMBER: It is always OK to speak out to someone if you`re unsure, in doubt or confused. Always.

Sometimes the current market is giving us what it has to offer, not really what we would like to have, but rest assured the dispatch is working hard to find a good load for you. It is not always that the longer the trip, the more money everyone gets. Sometimes we have to accept the load that can potentially lead us to another, better one. As we know, there are too many moving parts in this business, so working as a team and being patient from all sides is really appreciated.